What challenges are you facing?
Who has helped you?
Have you asked yourself what you are prepared to do?
Who are you prepared to become?
I have seen lockdown as a challenge but guess what.... life is a challenge. How you react to life’s everyday obstacles determines the quality of your life.
My life has been defined by how I have reacted and adapted in difficult times. I’d like to think it has been defined by the good times, the happy times and the easy times. However, I know in my heart it has been the dark moments that have brought me clarity and personal growth.
Part of this journey has shown me that by sharing personal experiences a synapsis occurs, a connection and a trust in the other person that is sharing their experience with you.
When this happens, you feel a relief that you are not alone and that you can learn from the experience and achievements of others.
A great example of sharing experiences is this video from the Educating Greater Manchester TV Series on Channel 4.
The clip shows Drew Povey, The Head Teacher of Harrop Fold School talking to young Jacob. As you will see Drew's ability to be vulnerable and share his own personal experience has an amazing impact.